Thursday, January 30, 2014


                  Welcome to Life of the everyday Mermaid. Yes, I said mermaid. So, what's the big deal? I'm a MERMAID. I thought humans were more updated than this. Whatever, not the point. So clearly you have a reason for being here on this site. (Feel free to post what you would like to hear from me in the comments section below.) Well, most of you have your hearts set on finding more about this 'strange' mermaid. Ok, here is the life of an everyday mermaid.

                  First, I wake up. Typical human stuff. Then, I get dressed and brush my teeth and other human things like that. I go downstairs and pack my lunch for school- you know, seaweed, grilled fish, sea cucumber, etc. Skip the endless hours of school and I come home.

                  I don't really have much to say because I don't know what you want to hear! Well, until next time, Goodbye human race.

                                                                 MERMAID SADIE